Saturday, October 18, 2008

Nike Expo & Soap Box Derby

Just got back from the Nike Women's Marathon Expotique and I think I caught the excitement bug. This the second time I've done a Nike race and it wasn't a whole lot different from the years previous... but still fun, nonetheless. Although, this year, they had the iPod engraving stations, which were pretty darn cool. I got my favorite quote engraved:

"Well behaved women seldom make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich

Up close!

There were long lines everywhere! It took me 45 minutes to get my iPod Nano engraved and a few times, I thought about ditching the line all together. But somehow, I stuck with it. I didn't even bother with the photo booth or the gait analysis... or the mini manicure stations! There were long lines there, too. I did stop by the Jamba Juice Cheer Stations to say hello to my friend and pick up my official Jamba shirt! So this is what I'm planning on wearing tomorrow.

THE outfit!
Back of the shirt! So cute!The cool timing chip!
I'm planning to meet the rest of the Jamba Juice team tomorrow morning at a JJ store near the starting line and apparently we're getting shuttled to the front of the line?!?! Oh I can't wait to see what that's going to be like. Although, I'm sure everyone and their mother is going to pass me up when we first start. I'm planning on starting very slooooow.

Duane and I also braved our way over to Dolores Park for the Red Bull Soap Box Derby... There must have been several thousand people there. It was a zoo! And the soap box cars that were in the competition were pretty neat.

Some guy selling homemade tamales on the street with a ghetto sign. Hehe.

After we finished our ginormous burritos that we picked up on the way, we head back home. I am so pooped right now! Last night, we stayed out until 3am celebrating a birthday with friends and today, we're driving down to Santa Cruz to celebrate yet another birthday. I'm hoping to be in bed by 11pm tonight. And I sincerely hope I can sleep either way during the drive, since Santa Cruz is at least an hour away from us. (The worst part of it all is that I did NOT drink at all last night and won't be drinking tonight, either. I try to stay away from all forms of alcohol the week of any race but it's SO hard! Do most of you follow this religiously? I have to admit, there are some days when I run with hangover, it feels so good. Like a good detox! But then, the longest run I've ever gone with a hang over is 12 miles... I am SO drinking tomorrow night!!)

I am excited about the race tomorrow!!


  1. Great quote you put on your ipod! I can't remember the last time I stayed up to 3 am.

    Have a wonderful time tomorrow. You are going to have a blast. Can't wait to read about it.

  2. Good luck tomorrow!!! That sounds like SO much fun and I will consider running it next year if I can get in :)

  3. thanks so much for the encouraging words :)

    cant wait to see you tomorrow!!! HAVE FUN!

    oh and i say no to alcohol a whole month pre-race :) GAH! this year that will include chris's work christmas party - should be fun :(

    GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! ill be texting you :)

  4. I love your ipod quote. That sounds like an amazing expo!! Have a great race tomorrow!

  5. I *love* your quote! And yay for the JJ shirt, you should be easy for me to spot now. :)

    I'm not sure if I will start in the Club Run corral at the front or see if I can join a pace group way in the back. I'll keep an eye out for the JJ hang tomorrow morning.

  6. That quote is awesome! And I *heart* the outfit! Very cute!

    Have a fabulous race tomorrow chica! ;D

  7. Sounds like an awesome expo! I would probably have no patience though and not wait in lines and take advantage of all of that fun stuff. I love the quote! and outfit for tomorrow. so fun!! good luck. I drink water, water, water. I rarely drink (when I'm not pregnant), and definitely avoid it when I'm running a race. But I'm sure a little bit wouldn't hurt!

  8. oh, Jamba Juice. That was my first job ever. i loved it.

    Thats so cool they engraved your i-pod! I want to get mine done- i should probably buy a new one first, because mine's so scratched up and torn apart its barely recognizable.

    Kelly Turner

  9. Ooohhh...I was just raving to my friend yesterday how I love Jamba Juice and it's my favorite post-run drink.

    Hope you have a wonderful time at the race tomorrow. You'll do great!

  10. That is so cool you got your ipod engraved!! After reading I really wanted to be at that expo! Sounds like they had some really awesome stuff!

    Good luck at the race!! Love the outfit!

  11. Where does that timing chip go? I've never seen one like that!

    One of my best friends lives on Dolores. I saw her last night, but in Livermore. She said it was nuts when she left her house!

    Hope the race is going well (you're running right now! Hee!).

  12. hi! i hope the race went well.I don't try to stay aay from alcohol, but maybe i should. i actually had a guiness last night as part of my carbo loading!

  13. I like that quote too. There's an interview with the author here that I thought was interesting:
    I try not to drink the couple days before a race but despite good intentions I don't think I've ever stopped more than 2 days before!
    Excited to hear your report!

  14. WOW sooo cool engraving!!! can't wait to hear all about it!!

  15. so you reccommend running if you have a hangover? i am not drinking for a LONG LONG LONG time after this weekends adventures due to my good friends 21st birthday. i don't have enough energy to move let alone run tonight. since sitting with out spinning is a challenge, i think i'll pass on todays run.

    i'm excited to hear about your race, i hope you and aron both did well!

  16. Man I am so running in the wrong races--look at all that cool stuff!

  17. That sounds like a GREAT expo! When do we get to read the race report? Hope you had a blast.

  18. Love your ipod engraving! I should try that..Found you on your blog! I look forward to reading more.

  19. Love the quote. I agree with you about the lines... I couldn't take it, so no engraving for me!

    Biggest challenge of the weekend for me? Trying to figure out what to do with my time in The City that DIDN'T include drinking (shopping I guess???)

    Will admit to having wine the night before the race. How does one enjoy pasta w/o vino?

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  20. Waiting on the race report... like the quote.

  21. Great job and sick engraving on the ipod! I'm so jealous and can't wait to read the race report!

  22. So cool! I know so many people that did the full and half marathon's in SF. I'm excited to hear your race report. I need to add you to my google reader feed.

    I'm excited that sooo many bloggers are interested in a blogger marathon meetup.

    I think avoiding a race with a lottery entry (and hills for me, hehe) is important. BUT that doesn't mean Nike wouldn't work out. Stay tuned.

  23. Can`t wait to hear all about it! Looking forward to the race report.

    I was going to order my ipod online and have ìmpossible is nothing engraved in it.

  24. Yea, the sign ups opened up today! So Get on it! and I'm only running the 1/2.. I'm a little baby! I know, but I'm excited to be able to meet all my blogging friends. You should do the CA dreamin' series, since you love the SF race so much!

  25. oooh ooo! I was totally at the derby :) My fav was the rubix cube! ha ha! The earth quake was pretty cool too :)
