I tried to map my 20 miles on mapmyrun.com but because it was my first time running the trail, I had difficulty locating certain area of the run. So, here's the best version of my run: Bay Trail Maps
We started out at the Oracle campus in Redwood Shores, up the Bay Trail through Foster City, passing the San Mateo Bridge to Bay Side Park in Burlingame. Actually, we ran out to the 2 mile point and turned back, running another half a mile past our starting to point to get additional 5 miles. Then started again to get the rest of the 15 miles. I broke the cardinal rule of getting good rest the night before a long run. For whatever reason, I didn't go to bed until 1:30am and got up at 5:30am to drive down to Redwood Shores from El Cerrito. Yikes!! I was tired but once we got started running, it wasn't too bad. Sure, the usual aches and pains surfaced after mile 12 but having other runners encourage you and push you along, really helped. The bad thing about this trail is that there is hardly any water stops or restrooms. There was one at the starting point and where we turned around 7.5 mile mark at the Bay Side Park. I think I ran the 20 miles a little under 3 hours and 15 minutes. The trail was marked for the runners who were doing 11 miles that day so we had gauge by time and how fast we were running. overall, my guess is that I ran about 9:30 min/mile. Which really isn't bad at all.
Most of the trail is paved but there are some dirt trails along the way. But the view is great once the trail goes out to the edge of the Bay. Running under the San Mateo bridge was pretty cool, I have to say. Overall, it was a really good run. I did limp a little after from sheer exhaustion but other than that, recovery was quick.
My bachelorette party was the same night and as much as I was wiped out from the run, I gave it 100% on partying to the fullest.